On Monday August 12, 2109, Gov. Cuomo signed into law less restricitve proof to prove sexual harassment in the workplace and makes it easier for an employees to meet the new lower standard to prove sexual harassment. And remember filing a Charge of any type of...
Scott Michael Mishkin PC
Wages. Overtime Pay
Everybody has to be paid their correct wages. Nobody should be discriminated against and be paid correctly for a days work and that includes overtime wages as well.Please let me know if you are owed salary and overtime. Scott
Sexual Harassment. No Matter Your Gender
In April 2018 New York State enacted new legislation targtingworkplace sex discriminaion and sexual harassment and requires all companies, no matter how employees it has, to have in place anti-sexual harassment policies, create and distribute a standard intenal...
Please let me know if you believe you are being discriminated against due to your sexual orientation or gender identity.
Amendments Pertaining to Sexual Harassment In Workplace
Please know the current New York Law which forbids sexual harassment of employees, has been expanded and now protects non-employees, including contractors, subcontractors, freelancers, vendors, consultants and anyone else providing services to an entity pursuant...
Severance Agreements
Please know that is you are offered a severane agreement that I would like to speak with first as sometimes there is more going on with how you were treated that caused you to be offered a severance agreement. And based on what you advise me, I can negotiate the...
Workers Compensation and Retaliation for Filing
Please know that an employer cannot retaliate against you for filing a Workers Compensation Claim. Please let me know if this is happening to you.Scott
Mediation May Resolver the Discrimination Against You
For both Employees who have the good faith belief they are being discriminated against and then retaliated against for complaining to a Supervisor of Human Resource person as well as for the Employer, after conducting a full investigation into the Employee's good...
Just Checking In
Just wanted to wish you all a healthy new year and that all should be good with you at home and at work. Please let me know if you feel somehting is just not right at work and you want to shoot the breeze. If you feel in your gut something is wrong than it...
No One Is to Too Big To Fall
If you are being sexually harassed in the workplace please tell me. Please do not be afraid to let me know. I will guide you with the law and then you can make your decision of what you want to do. This goes for any type of unconfortableness you are...